I used to love reading all the novels those times..and it suddenly stop quite sometimes..kenapa??sebab terbz ngan benda lain ngeh ngeh..
and now..back to my readings..last week marathon opis-K4-OU new wing-Opis..p beli buku cita..malay novels..and puas hati sebab leh start balik my readings..
ada beli 3 novels and antaranya novel Andai Itu Takdirnya..recommended by Ms Hazuri..perghhh..tangkap leleh ekekekeke..gila nya sedey cita ni..and dan dan berjurai gak la air mata den muahahhahaha...jiwa halus gittew kah kah..
and now layan Girls Of Riyadh..time2 call tak banyak kat opis hehehe...
cita teenagers di tanah arab...short sinopsis..
" gals of Riyadh are young, attractive and living by Saudi Arabia's strict cultural traditions. Well, not quite. In between sneaking out behind parents' back, dating, shopping, watching American TV and having fun, they're still trying to be good lil muslim gals. That is, pleasing their families and their men."
and this is preview from Financial Times.." A Novel that captures it all..a revealing study of one of the world's most secretive societies"
so..kalau yg berminat nak baca leh la beli n baca keh keh...
and atas ni..a photo widget application dr FB..best gak layan..memacam jenis layout ada...and these are few layouts yg i laike..cantik n menarik...huhu
and lastly..
Wanna wish my dear fren Ms Hazuri Asano happy birthday...hari ni bday dia..so just bagi cup cakes yang tersgt la comelnya..**Hazuri kata comel mcm dia keh keh**...and dia kata dia lom makan sebab syg..cantik sgt kah kah...sabar je kan..
Hazuri..selamat hari jadi..moga bahagia selamanya di samping keluarga tersayang..sukses selalu n sihat selalu..insya allah..thanks for being a good fren to me n others around u..
dan akhirnya abis la entry yg di compress kepada satu tajuk hahahaha...**punya la malas nak update kan kah kah**..
was thinking to up an entry abt my cuti2 msia kat Kuantan Last 2 weeks..and soon heading to Universal Studio spore..yay yay....