Wow..the above is wat i received from my blogger fren..Mrs Taj or dikenali as Mama Azim..hmm..terkejut tetiba dapat mail..asking for my address...and me replied..and then the parcel pon sampai..tapi too bad nobody at esoknya sabtu p amik kat pejabat pos laju kat area Dolomite Business Centre..
hiks..i received kain telekung and crystal necklace..mmg cantik..thanks ya..
to Mrs Taj..thanks so much dear..thanks so very nice of u taw.and the crystal necklace cantik sgt2..
Thanks once again my dear Mama Azim...
**kebusanan di dalam training room..makanya update la cerita ttg The Gifts neh..hahaha..shhh..jgn kasi tau my trainer taw ekekekeke**
Thursday, April 29, 2010
A Gift...and Thanks So Much!!~
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
I Love U my Bro..Ahmad Fithri Fauzi

- He's my bro..the one and only bro in family
- we always have lots of arguments..miscommunications..fights
- but i will never ever stop loving him
- seeing him tadi kat high dependency ward..make me feel so sad..even he's smiling seeing me..siap tanya dah makan ke belum..sebab dia lapar..siap tanya abis keje wat time..duhh
- yup..right after work at 10pm..pecut ke Tawakkal Hospital..nak jumpa adik lelaki sorang ni
- warded last thursday..sakit belakang yg teramat serius..after doing the MRI..tadi operation
- according to him..started at 3.30pm and finished at 8.30pm..leh cita lagi tu walau mata sedikit terpejam n tgn dok pegang tube tuk morphine nya ubat tuk heal the pain..bila sakit picit ubat ni kata dia hehe
- hurm..sedih..sebak..dunno y
- tapi dia leh senyum..leh wat lawak..leh cakap pasal kehidupan
- and i do proud of him..and i do love him so much
- on the way back dr hospital tadi..teringat2 all the arguments..the fights..and there will be no more those stupid things..insya allah
- he's the only bro i have..and will look after him forever
to my bro..fitri..
get well soon fi..
kak ja loves u always..
** and sebak sgt2..tatau napa..teringat on the conversation we have tadi..teringat muka dia yg senyum dalam kesakitan..teringat semuanya..**
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