Okeh..Last karoks VC for the day :P...and this song specially dedicated to Ms Milia..her fav karoks song...and she sang this song very well...perfectly sang..and those yang pernah karoks ngan dia sure tau how perfectly dia layan lagu ni..salute u arr babe...wish happiness be wit u always..in life n career..insya allah...
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Lagu Wajib Karoks - 3
yeahhh..ni lak lagu Fav My BFF Haya....she sings this song very well..sedap sgt and sejak lama tak jumpa n hang around..lama gak la tak dgr dia sing this song...miss listening this..sang by you la babe...
To Haya..this entry specially dedicated to u..may u n hubby happy together always...sentiasa di lindungi olehNYA dan di rahmati olenNYA selalu..
Lagu Wajib Karoks - 2
Okey...lagu karoks ptg ni lak..jum layan lagu ni huhu..Pelita Di Bawah Purnama...Milia used to sing this song and pastu everytime p karoks..sanggup sms tu tanya apa tajuk lagu hahaha...senang nak sing sebab tu jadi lagu wajib muahahhaa...
Jum sing along jum...ari ni kita layan karoks kat blog ek..mmg entry di tahap mental tak stabil neh ekekekeke..layanzzzzz.....err..will end todays wit one special song..tungguuuuuu....:)
Lagu Wajib Karoks - 1
Ohkey..idea tadak mari tuk memblog secara sedar haha..so jum layan clips lagu..Bersama mu from Sarah Raisuddin...antara lagu wajib karoks..teringat time2 berkaroks kat area Klang Gate with my BFF Milia and Haya and hubby....best gila time tu...sedar2 berlagu2 gak la nyanyi hehe...err..yeah..those were the days..love those days..
Jum layan jum..few LWK [ Lagu Wajib Karoks ] coming...hehehe...
p/s :
eh eh...nak wish diri sendiri..Happy Birthday to myself...25Nov2010..usia bertambah..kematangan bertambah insya allah...and i wish supaya masalah berkurangan..stress hilang and di layan sebaiknya oleh semua..dont i deserve good treatment from others when i do treat them nicely..huhu..agak poyo kan permintaan tapi tats my wish..i have the rights to say it kan...and heyyyyyyy..pressie mana hahahaa...**kidding :P~ **
Monday, November 29, 2010
Menangis kita berdua..Tertawa bersama :D~
Love this VC...and sgt suka lagu ni...lagu lama yang di nyanyikan semula oleh Rossa and saya adalah peminat tegar Rossa..cuma tak layan sgt lagu ni masa karoks sebab susah haha...lom abis menuntut nak sing lagu ni kah kah....
i love the lyrics..love the music..love Rossa and love everything abt this VC..and here's the lyrics..
Ke gurun engkau ikut
Ke kutub engkau turut
Bersama sehidup semati
Demikian dia ucapkan janji
Menangis kita berdua
Tertawa bersama…
Tapi kini apa yang terjadi
Segalanya kau tak peduli lagi
Dan yang lebih menghancurkan kalbu
Kau bercumbu di depanku
Oh Tuhan tunjukkanlah
Dosa dan salahku
Mudahnya dia buat janji
Semudah dia ingkar janji
Alangkah kejamnya cinta
Alangkah pedihnya
Kejam oh.. kejam..
Pedih.. oh pedih..
Cinta oh.. cinta..
and jum layan the clips...err..Rossa sungguh cantik kan..isk isk..suka nyerrrrr
Thursday, November 25, 2010
He's a young man now..but still my lil baby forever!!
My loverboy....Muhammad Imran Naim will be 12years old on 24th Dec next mth..and hari ni bersunat akhirnya..after few years tangguh n tangguh atas alasan dia kcik sgt..**doktor ni kesian nak sunat kan dia dulu2 sebab dia kcik..**..tapi hari ni sunat gak..and seharian ni mmg buat mama dia panic..jap sengih jap nangis meraung2 sakit..jap nyanyi2..duhhh..so this entry is all abt naim..sesapa rasa nak muntah tak yah baca coz my blog n i guess its up to me nak write apa pon..as long tak memaki hamun sesapa kan..**tak maki2 org pon kat blog..cuma meluahkan apa yg terbuku at times...salah ke??tak kan...**

err..teringat 12years ago when i gave birth to Naim..erm..teruk gak la and azab but lepas tu lega sebab i have him even till now..tgk la naim kcik2 dulu..suka sgt n for me naim comel sgt even till now..with his smile...naim wit me..wit mak..wit pakcik fitri dia..wit his great grandfather and wit his tok masa cukur jambul..

atas ni lak..naim masa aged 1 year..hensem boy..hehe..baju kolar fav tok ayah tuh..and tok ayah mmg envy sgt bila cucu2 lelaki dia pakai baju tshirt berkolar...and another pics tu masa 2yrs..first birthday celebration kat rumah nenek selayang dia..his first baju melayu tuh..

atas ni naim aged 3yrs..4 yrs and 6yrs..kindergaten time kat st ronan..

and ni lak few bday parties masa naim kecik..lepas he stayed wit me n mak n ayah dah tadak bday party..just bwk dia makan..and next mth maybe nak buat suprised celeb tuk dia...among family members je pon hehehe as he's looking forward tuk bday dia..ingat nak order cuppies je kot..huhu

atas ni lak..few holidays masa we r still 1 happy family dulu..holidays to Jakarta..Phuket..Cameron Highland..Pulau Pangkor and Langkawi..we r just so happy and he's so happy too..those were the holidays that he will always remember till the end i guess...

and..those are the smiles from naim..he can smile just like nothing happened to him and try to ignore wat ever probs mama dia ada..actually he do understand n knows wat happened to me..ngan sapa mama kwn..sapa buat tak baik kat mama..sapa buang mama..semua dia tau cos he do listens when am telling it to my close frens..and dia penah tanya y it happened..but as usual i dont have the answer but he do knows why i guess...pls be wit me yer naim..always ok coz ppl might leave me but i know u wont kan..**loves u Naim..**

Naim grows n grows..and after those holidays lama tak p kemana since am not in the good financial terms tapi this year me n naim n a fren Lily p holiday to Spore..nak bwk Naim p Universal Studio Spore as tu yg paling dekat n reasonable chgs so far..he's so happy and am proud sebab boleh bwk dia p sana ngan my own money..tapi dia dpt gak duit poket dulu dr ayah dia..**dulu jer hehe..**..am happy when naim happy..

yes..naim wit mama always kan..and i know naim will never leaves mama like others..mama syg naim taw..and i love those pics above..its me n naim..the best moments and antara pics terbaik for us...

and jeng jeng...akhirnya sampai masa naim tuk bersunat..kotak tu tok ayah buat haha..sebab tadak paku kat siling nak ikat kain pelikat dia..so just buat the kotak n kaver wit kain cadar hehe...masa kat klinik naim cuma meraung masa nak kena injection je haha..pastu dia leh nyanyi i believe i can fly..gelak2 ngan doktor..and ckp2 ngan my dad..mama tgk dr jauh je sebab ngeri n cuak..and nak muntah lak bila tgk hahaha...teruk kan but still i panggil2 nama dia so that dia tak takut huhu..
bila kat umah lak..abis je ubat bius menangis2 dia..cuak n panik gak arr..sebab never seen dia nangis sebab sakit..jap2 air mata ngalir duhh..sampai la dia tertido ptg tadi..and now bila malam dia nyanyi2 nak ilangkan sakit huhu..bising dr tadi dok nyanyi ekekee..jap lagi zzzz la tu sebab dah bg ubat tadi..and sempat nyaanyi happy birthday tuk mama dia..pre celeb kata nya keh keh..
So naim..u a young man already..so pls behave ok..and pls jaga mama yer sampai bebila..mama ada naim je and sampai bebila akan ada naim je...and pls remember selama nya u always be my lil boy naim..no matter wat u r..u will always be the only lil boy i have in me..and mama loves naim so much..
**thanks for the happy birthday wish ok naim..i love u always..and yes..Happy Birthday To Me..hope for the miracles as always**
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Paradesa Tropica

phewwwww...merasa la kan nak try2 stay sini..independent ngan cara tersendiri..
so kenapa pilih Paradesa Tropica..err ntah la..terdesak kot..or maybe sebab nak belajar berdikari..bebila kalau mak ayah tak ada still kena berdikari kan..**still i have my own reason why..only god knows..**
the place ok jugak la..dah p survey ngan kak sha..jauh ke dalam..dekat2 ngan hiway NKVE..kalo malam tu agak gelap la nak ke situ huhu..kemudahan??cukup lengkap..fast food rest ada..bank penuh kat situ..mamak2 pon berlambak..kedai melayu pon banyak..mini mart pon ada..kira nak apa semua ada kat situ..

insya allah once org yg sewa tu kuar by end dec..by jan leh basuh2 rumah..kemas2 n baiki mana patut dan move in kat sana la...
perabut??kelengkapan rumah??errr for a start i guess nak line streamyx..nak iron..nak tv la haha..lelain tu later2 pon tak apa kan..pinggan mangkuk n periuk semua dah ada..tapi i just need that 3 things dulu..bila dah ok nanti baru tambah fridge kecik ke..dapor ke..katil ke hahaha...pastu leh hias rumah skit2..kan kan..kalo bab berangan sampai besok pon tak abis wakakaka...
apa2 pon am glad..when been offered to stay there..mahal ke tak..i dont think i wanna reveal it..coz still bersyukur when ayah suh stay sana..thanks ayah..thanks..and good luck to me..semoga berjaya berdikari and selamat semuanya..:)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Masa tuk Fisioterapi

Last week friday..first appointment for my Loverboy Naim with pakar fisio..bila simen kat wrist dah bukak so kena la fisio lak..banyak procedure kan..bukan leh bukak gitu n biar je rupanya..so atas ni klinik fisio tuk kanak2 katanya tapi ku tgk adult pon ada haha...mcm jenis fisio kat situ rupanya..baru ku tahu keh keh..

owh this nice doctor try to check wrist naim..and she sees it tat naim nya wrist is not that strong coz kata dia urat2 keras bila dlm simen n bila bukak simen nak lembut kan balik ngan cara fisioterapi..and naim tak leh tegak kan jari dia sgt..sakit kat wrist kata dia..duhh..
so p kat bilik rawatan lilin ni..ni tuk warm up the urat2 kat lengan n wrist..so kena rendam tgn dalam cecair parafin yg suam..**yer i selalu buat ni when i have my health treatment..best tuh...**..so pas rendam few times dlm tu..biar dlm masa 15mins dlm kain tu..
then fisio ni lak..the plastesin uli2 ngan tgn yg pernah berbalut simen n tekan2 ngan telapak tgn..so susah nak explain arr..tgk la pic hahahaha...ala ala uli roti canai katanya

pastu buang the mask kat tgn..start with another type of fisioterapi..memula naim kena press the wrist n jari kat meja..nak kuat kan wrist...tekan ke depan n tarik ke blkg n lengan kena straight..the therapist kata dia nampak wrist naim not that strong la..and need few fisio lagi lepas ni

then ni lak holding kayu ..korang tgk la gambar..susah lak nak explain..tapi naim cepat penat la.. the wrist tak strong sebab tu penat kata therapist tuh..tu baru kiri kanan balance..belum buat kanan more than kiri or kiri more than kanan cara pegang kayu..
and was advise to rendam tgn hari2 dlm warm water during daytime..err tak buat pon kat rumah sebab am not around during day time..nobody care to help him to do la..
and pasni another 2 weeks lak appointment..sebab esok rabu nak sunat kan naim..dah besar sgt..dah nak masuk form 1..apa kes tak sunat ekekee...errr..naim cuak..i lagi la cuak..doakan naim yer frens...hope semuanya ok..insya allah!!~
Friday, November 19, 2010
Never Say Goodbye eh... :)
Hah..ni lagi satu OST Korean Drama..My Girl..catchy and as usual hero hensem tuh hehehe..so jum layan jums...
err actually nak share this quote received kat Twitter..."LIFE = A series of Hellos and Goodbyes..let's count how many hellos n goodbyes we've said to others."..and for me i may not say goodbye sebab saya sayang those yg saya say hello huhu...
sayang awak..awak..awak kwn2 saya...bila i say hello..i may not say goodbye..so r u still wanna say goodbye to me huhu...errr jgn arr mean sgt ek keh keh...
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Cerita Minggu Lepas
Ok..jum cerita wat happened last week...
memula..it's abt UPSR Result..huh me berdebar2 gak kat opis tunggu result my loverboy ni...tak la hoping sgt cuma kalau tetiba terjadi miracle..am so much happy..tapi ngan result yg dia dpt ni pon am happy..alhamdulillah lulus semuanya..lulus la ngan cara dia belajar...tadak fail apa2...hope my loverboy amik pengajaran n do better for the next year n coming years..insya allah...mama will always pray for u k Naim..
and few days before amik UPSR result..naim nya appointment ngan pakar orthopedik kat Selayang hospital..alhamdulillah dah leh bukak simen kat tangan tu sebab seeing the xray semua mcm dah ok..cuma naim been advised tak angkat benda berat lagi guna tgn kiri dia..and also kena selalu gerak2 kan wrist..juga perlu p physioterapi kat hospital selayang jumaat ni..errr payah gak ek bila patah2 ni..memacam rawatan..and the next appoint with pakar is on middle of dec..xray and to check again on the wrist condition..really hope semuanya ok..
masa tunggu turn nak buang simen..sempat gak la amik pic hahahaha...
atas ni pic cara2 menjaga simen kat tgn tu...and keadaan bilik rawatan tuk buang simen tuh...
atas ni lak tgk la simen kat tgn Naim..macam belacannnnnnnnnnnnn...memacam dia conteng hahahha..teruk sungguh anak jantan sorang neh...
opss...ngeriiii...ngiluuuuuuu..depa gergaji dulu the simen tapi tak kena tgn pon..just to crack the simen..siyes ngilu haha..nak tgk pon takut2 kah kah..teruk kan...
pas simen dah crack..guna penyepit ni lak tarik the simen..and pastu buang semua simen2...dah buang semua basuh tgn naim and lap pelan sebab takut kulit mengelupas..lama sgt berbalut kulit jadi berdaki n mcm gatal2..
so balik je rumah sapu baby oil dulu and bila mandi i sponge him..sponge lengan dia ngan scrub mahal ai hahahaha...sampai daki2 semua ilang..and now back to normal..cuma skrg pesan selalu kat dia jgn angkat benda berat..kdg2 degil coz he used to angkat buah langsat 2 kilo ngan tgn kiri..apa lagi kena marah la ngan tok dia..duhhh...kita yg seriau..tapi dia biasa je..kalau dah jantan tu jantan gak kan kah kah...
ha..tu je la yg terjadi last week..lelain tu tak ada selain dr kisah ai ngamuk on somethg..kah kah..mmg terguris gak la hati ni ecehhhhhhh..but life goes on kan..
and..and..insya allah i'll be more independent by next year when am staying at SD..pray for me pls..**amin...**
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha

- saya kan..
- nak wish kepada semua kawan2 saya
- juga kepada sesiapa yang baca blog saya
- juga kepada sesiapa yg terjenguk blog saya
- Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha
- Dgn rasa rendah diri
- saya nak minta maaf pada semua kwn2 saya..sahabat handai saya..saudara mara saya
- maaf atas segala kesilapan dalam perbuatan atau perkataan
- sesungguhnya saya tak pernah berniat nak lukakan hati atau perasaan sesapa..
- sungguh...sungguh...
- sebab saya syg kwn2 saya..saudara mara saya..
- dan saya rindu awak..awak..awak..yer..kwn2 saya...
Selamat Hari Raya..Maaf Zahir Batin
Dari saya dan Loverboy saya..Naim..
** ops..kesian kat mak dia..kenapa saya kata kesian kat mak...saya ada say it out kat twitter..mak dia menangis..kesian sgt2..*
Sunday, November 14, 2010
WoW..Fitness First Platinum
Huyoooo...korang tgk la pic atas ni..sungguh teruja tuk sign up jadi member Fitness First Platinum di Empire Tower Subang...tapi mahal la skit and at the moment ada commitment lain so keep in view dulu la tuk sign up kah kah..ada gym yg best..memacam ada..ada swimming pool..once jadi member dapat beg n accesories apa tah..then leh sewa dvd kat situ tuk dua hari..ada erobik class..ada RPM class means naik basikal ada instructor tu..terujaaaaaaaaaaa....duhhhh mana mau cekau duit ek ekekeke...**harap adverts churp2 la kali ni wakakakakak..pastu pening nak buat ayat adverts boleh??kah kah **

and my sis angkat..sis sha dah sign up..so i leh p sana sehari as complimentary and p ngan dia yay yay..so am aiming the RPM session..sungguh teruja neh...

ops..yang atas n the sales consultant yg sangat la hensem..tapi hensem lagi hero korea my girl tuh kah kah..nama dia Mr Faliq..korang leh google the phone number tuk FFP and look for Faliq..sure dia leh attend korang tuk sign up kat sini...

and ni lak Loverboy yang jumpa PC and ada wifi lak kat situ..laju je dia godek FB dia..isk isk kemain taw..

hurm..apa yg best abt Fitness First Platinum ni ek..dia mcm ni..once korang sign up for this package..korang p oversea..korang leh p memana Fitness First kat oversea guna membership kad korang...kira FFP ni world wide..and korang leh p memana Fitness First kat msia di mana saja..kat wangsa walk ke..klcc ke..empire tower subang ke..memana sahaja..tak semestinya u sign up kat empire tower subang hanya leh p gym kat situ..so tu la Platinumnyer...best kan hehhe...
err...tak apa..layan nuffnang n advert churp2 manyak2 pas ni wakakakakaka...kasik masyuk kah kah..gila kan..tapi asal dapat esaimen je blur nak reka ayat haha...amik ko kan..

hurm...saya nak p sign up jugak kak sha..dan tolong dpt kan saya free trial 7days wakakakakaka...saya nak p class cycling with instructor tu..sgt teruja ni hahahaha...
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Hensemnyerrrr hehehe...**burppp...**
ni OST cita My Girl...baru je copy dr member opis n terus layan..berhari gak nak abis..and towards the end sedeynya sampai bermug2 gak la ku bazirkan air mata hahahahah...cita korea ni kan..selalu je yg ensem kapel ngan yg clumsy..yg lawak2 kan..but this clumsy ada perasaan yg tersendiri..yg dia je tau n di sedari oleh si ensem ni..
errr motip kan tgk muka ensem ni terus burp ekekeke...tapi sungguh ensemmmm..sukanyaaaaaaa..hehehehehe....**biol jap...hiburkan hati yg duka kaedahnya haha**
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
U R Mental!!
a : of or relating to the mind; specifically : of or relating to the total emotional and intellectual response of an individual to external reality
b : of or relating to intellectual as contrasted with emotional activity
c : of, relating to, or being intellectual as contrasted with overt physical activity
d : occurring or experienced in the mind : inner
e : relating to the mind, its activity, or its products as an object of study : ideological
f : relating to spirit or idea as opposed to matter
a (1) : of, relating to, or affected by a psychiatric disordermental patient> (2) : mentally disordered : mad, crazy
b : intended for the care or treatment of persons affected by psychiatric disorders
: of or relating to telepathic or mind-reading powers
and wat does ayah mean by saying tat to me ek..which category of mental do i fall to..err err..apa2 pon..i love u ayah n thanks for that..yeah..thanks..will always remember that..till the rest of my life...
** when others lebih memberi makna..maybe own blood terpaksa di abaikan sekejap..maybe..**
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Damaikan Jiwa Ini..
Ntah apa2 je kan tajuk ekekekeke..tapi siyes tgk all these photos mmg leh mendamai kan jiwa n hati yang tgh marah..lately am stress dgn memacam termasuk la ngan org yg hati kering yang tak reti appreciate org lain..pastu selsema..pastu mmg nak naik angin je skrg even bendera jepun lambat lagi..these ppl make me sick to the max..but luckily bila i got these pics dr gang ada2aje in my mail.. rasa sejuk je mata memandang..so jum kita layan all the pics...

Touching the void: Dale Head in the Lake District reaches up towards the clouds on a winter's evening, with Scafell Pike, England's tallest mountain, looming in the distance

Only the lonely: A solitary figure basks in the golden glow of sunset at Burton Bradstock in West Dorset, where iconic cliffs and sweeping beaches mark the gateway to the Jurassic Coast

Blackpool illumination: The Lancashire seaside resort is bathed in pink at twilight as the tide recedes, leaving the famous Tower and North Pier reflected in the miles of muddy sand

Dawn of aquarius: Salcombe, from Snapes Point in Devon, glitters in the morning light while small craft lie at anchor in an estuary that perfectly reflects the deep blue sky
Red sky at night: The summit of Roseberry Topping commands the northern fringe of the North Yorkshire Moors, a lonely sentinel witnessing the going down of the sun
** tapi pic ni besar ni je kat sini hahahah..maybe click kat the pic leh tgk besar skit kot hahaha...maafkan saya yang buta graphic ni ekekekekee...**
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Jum..Pizza Hut’s Extreme Cheesy 6 Pizza

ada apa dengan Pizza Hut’s Extreme Cheesy 6 Pizza..hah meh nak cita..
memula dapat mail dr nuffnang and ada peraduan Go Crazy with Pizza Hut’s Extreme Cheesy 6 Pizza..pastu terpk..am on diet cemana nak masuk contest ni ek..hahaha...tapi nak gak try contest ni maka nya last saturday ptg..away with my loverboy Naim..terus terjah ke pizza hut area sentul and diet pon tergolek kah kah..
seeing the pizza kat menu tu perghhh mmg menarik..teruja gila..and we ordered the Extreme Cheesy 6 Pizza for 2person..plus the peperoni topping..and bila pizza sampai..perghhhhhh...i love it..really love it sebab for me when come to cheeze nya foods semua sedap and semua my fav..same goes to the pizza
and now why i love Pizza Hut's Extreme Cheesy 6 Pizza...sebab ianya sedap sangat..full of cheese..parmesan, mozzarella, romano, cheddar, provolone and Monterey Jack digabung dalam 1 hidangan..and bila makan terasa sedap sgt sampai u need it more n more and akhirnya diet pon tunggang terbalik...and nyesal ke??tidakkkkkkk..sebab sedap sangat n rasa nak pi pizza hut lagi to have my Extreme Cheesy 6 Pizza again...
and the pics above shows that the pizza mmg sedap..i can see the cheese and smell the cheese and the pizza full of cheese and taste with load of cheese..sedap n sedap sgt2..
so i give 5 star out of 5 to this pizza coz i love cheese and i love this cheezy revolution pizza..yummyyyy...and recommended to all frens to try this..u ppl will love it damn much...and honestly I’m crazy about Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!
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