yay..colouring moments..kat ner???somewhere kat Subang Area..kat Empire Gallery Subang...best shopping complex tu..tapi ai cuci mata je la..me yo chiennnnn hahaha...

And its Christmas Time kat Empire Gallery Subang..suka sgt the theme..its white..as white as snow..best..**felling konon kat oversea layan snow la pulaksssss hahaha**

and actually me n loverboy nak ke sini..dah janji ngan dia nak kaler2 once abis sunat and sebab dah janji pas balik Hatyai nak bwk dia jenjalan..so we r here last week and he's happy wit the colouring moments..**even dia kaler cara dia haha**

so kat kedai ni leh kaler apa saja...ada mcm2 corak from clays and kita kaler je ikut imigination kita n cemana we want the clays to be..it's all up to us..and suka sgt kat sini..semua best2..and the price is quite reasonable..we just pay harga clay and start colouring without other charges..**chg will be implied kalau korang buy foods or drinks kat kafe tu jer hehe**

and this is wat we choose..naim amik the goku nya clay..me amik the flower clay..and we start colouring...memula blur gak kah kah..tapi pastu i guess am ok wit the job..and start colouring ngan heavennyaaaa....hehe

bila dabes kaler..the staff akan kering kan..letak glaze and letak giltters..and pastu kering kan balik..and then the colours mmg so lively..suka sgt..**maks skerrrrrr hehehe**
so this is mine..and naim's job..naim kata dia nya goku is angry n fierceeeeee..sebab tu kaler mcm tu huhu **yo la naim...mama yer kan je haha..and naim kata.."mama nya cantikkkkk** and mama sengih je kah kah...

pas abis kaler2 jenjalan and amik2 gambar, then naim nak experience the World's Tallest Indoor Tube Slide..so i just let him experienced it as his wish..bila dah kat bwh dia kata cuak gak n jerit2 dalam tu..huhu..**tak ado la den nak try..mau muntah kah kah**

dabes semua..layan tau foo fa kat food court sementara waiting for Kak Sha..and pastu ikut Kak Sha p Fitness First..

and atas ni..dinner wit Kak Sha..tetiba teringin Meggi kari and 3 layer tea...**arghhh am craving for this 3 layer tea la huk huk..**
and there goes the day...**it was last sunday..**..and dah janji ngan naim..once a month leh p kaler2..naim suka n mama dia pon suka kah kah..
1 comment:
Seronoknye dpt tgk Xmas deco... thn ni x sempat lagi nak bejalan tgk pokok xmas... sedey... :S
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