It's Naim 12th birthday on 24th December 2010 and he's looking forward for this...Happy Birthday my lil boy...Muhammad Imran Naim..

antara yang hadir for this small celebration..kwn2 sister's family and cucu ustazah naim with his parents..saja je buat kecil-kecilan sebab asalnya tuk family je..and ajak sis sha n abg awie jugak..naim's aunty n uncle..
The foods..ada kuew teow goreng i cooked by myself huhu..then beli domino pizza as it's naim's fav..the cup cakes...and ada sandwich telur kak sha bawak from her house...and all foods habis..alhamdulillah
and the majlis dad baca doa n pastu happy birthday song tuk naim n tiup tak banyak coz mama the very buzy that time huhuhu
this is my sis sha n abg awie..
esoknya bwk naim p curve..tgk wayang..jenjalan n naim nak makan chicken kat as u wish naim...
Happy birthday Naim! ;P cupcake tu nampak... yummm :P~
nice cupcakes... *teringin nak dapatkan lak..hahaha...
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