HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010...let us grab the happiness in 2010...grab the hidayah in 2010..terus beribadat in 2010...moga kita semua dirahmati olehNYA selalu..insya allah....
my frens say..let us move on..yes am moving on..always...
and azam baru???apa ek...azam tahun2 lepas berjaya gak la skit..tapi better kan dr tak terlaksana lansung ekekekeke...
and this 2010...
nak make sure Naim get good grades in his UPSR...so fast and his 12 years old already..
nak buat majlis sunat tuk Naim and my anak sedara Muhammad Yurid..
nak be happy and sihat selalu..tanak sakit2 arr..
nak be happy ngan my family..
nak a happy family ever after...insya allah
nak keje ngan happy..tanak malas2 dah keh keh..
nak earn more..nak p oliday ngan Naim..lama gila tak p oliday..
really hopes for more happiness in 2010...insya allah...
and i end my 2009 ari tu...layan alvin and the chipmunks 2..and jugak avatar..best sungguh cita2 ni...memang best betul...thanks to all yg recommend me to watch avatar...thanks my dear fren..
i may end this entry..by wishing u all..Happy New Year 2010..let go all the sadness..hatred..lies in 2009...and look forward the happiness in 2010..
and..its me..us..the faces..huhuhu

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