's like hari2 biasa as for me kita leh celebrate mother's day hari2 kan ..and for me mother's day semlm biasa2 je since am on off day and i need a i just be at home whole day..err cuma ptg tu je kuar jap with my frens..amik angin katanya..and pastu end up headache tak agak2 sampai muntah..aishhhhhh
and since i havent update now am updating my blog internet conn and kemalasan nak ke mana2 cybercafe so berhabuk la blog ni kan..
and since i havent update now am updating my blog internet conn and kemalasan nak ke mana2 cybercafe so berhabuk la blog ni kan..

and happy mother's day jugak tul all my aunts [ which i already smsed them...] and juga to all frens yang bergelar mak, ummi, mama,mummy and to all readers to..may uols having a blast celebration with yr families..
and i guess pasni leh dtg cc ni lagik...sejam 2hengget and laju keh keh..pastu leh update my blogs for a month nya cerita haha...banyak ooi..cerita reunion with itmck lom tulis..cerita kat penang yang terbaik lom tulis and cerita ttg korean drama with those hensem actors pon perlu di tulis kekeekek...
err...pastu sambil2 update blog leh cari kerja lain sick with this and dissapointed with what happened recently..yes its an extra income but it was just like monthly KPI..wat the heck kan..where else others leh announce the most thanks to the company with wat they received..FTW sgt kan...and i really hope there's miracle somewhere for me insya allah...i need something for me n naim to keep on living..
Insya allah..rezeki allah tu ada di mana2 kan...**amin..**
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