This is awesome..selepas more than 10years jumpa balik and we are like before...banyak cerita yang nak di cerita kan and banyak gelak jugak..masing2 dah ada anak..kecuali Marlis yang ada ramai anak sedara hak hak...
There will be lot more to upload on this reunion stories..the best reunion ever happened in me last month..and i love it so very much :)
and zillion thanks to Mr Bai for the transport to Melaka..ko mmg terbaik la Bai bab bawak kereta walaupon Lis manjang pantau had laju ko ekekekeke...and to Mek Yah..ko mmg tetap cantik mcm dulu cuma bila dah jumpa reramai tu kesopanan ko agak ke laut hahahaha...thanks Mek Yah on the foods sepanjang kami kat melaka..
I love uols la..korang mmg antara kawan2 terbaik dalam hidup aku..hugs korang semua..Chom, Lis, Kuyu and Mek Yah..and Bai..[ tapi tak la aku peluk Bai..nak mampos hahahaha]
There will be lot more to upload on this reunion stories..the best reunion ever happened in me last month..and i love it so very much :)

I love uols la..korang mmg antara kawan2 terbaik dalam hidup aku..hugs korang semua..Chom, Lis, Kuyu and Mek Yah..and Bai..[ tapi tak la aku peluk Bai..nak mampos hahahaha]
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