Raya ke 3....done nothing at home..and Naim ajak tgk The Smurfs...so off to ecurve and layan the 3D movie...The Smurfs mmg best..the pic sgt cantik..overall leh bg 4bintang out of 5...so korang leh la p tgk..its all blue je rasa masa tgk cita tu..mmg cantik...and smurfs tu semua comel2...
[ eh eh i smurf u :) always taw ]..keh keh...

Pas layan The Smurfs..lunchy wit naim kat anw...naim kata dah lama tak makan kat situ..so let him had his lunch and after lunch gerak to curve tuk jumpa kawan lama Ms Alis Sara..
Alis Sara..me kenal dr MiRC..lama gila tak jumpa...and she still the same mcm dulu2..kurus je dia isk isk..bila la cikgu ni nak gemok kan ekekeke...tapi sedey arr... excited nya pasal no pic taken arghhhh...nanti bebila jumpa kena amik pic la...and to Alis Sara..thanks for the duit raya for naim babe...**hugs** and thanks jugak to Bro Helmy yg bg duit raya gak to Naim..nice knowing u bro..:)
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