Beautiful??yer..my aunty is so so beautiful..i adore her..suka tgk muka dia....she is so beautiful in my eyes..dr dulu sampai skrg..selamanya..she's so nice...dr i kcik sampai la dah ada naim skrg ni..and to u my aunty..thanks so much for everything and i love u..
[ huhu..she maybe tak baca my entry..sebab tatau i ada blog huhu]Lovely??and yes..my kazen..kisha is so lovely..in this white wedding gown..so lovely with her hubby yang hensem...and to my lovely kazen..Kisha and Aie..congratulations on your wedding..semoga bahagia selamanya..insya allah..
[ kalau terbaca this entry..regards to yr beautiful mom k Kisha..]
Cute..and this word is for lil gal wahda...she's a niece to Kisha..and my anak sedara la jugak kan..Wahda's daddy is Kisha's bro working kat Dubai..so masa kisha's wedding dia ada and she is so comel..geramnyaaaaaa...tak takut org..nak je kalau sesapa dukung..and dah pandai main tup2 mata ngan naim..ada mood..kalau tanak senyum dia wat derk je..and kalau senyum..geramnyaaaaa..

and ni lak...this is wat i get masa the the wedding...this is called Benjarong and its quite famous in Thailand..i'd seen this at opis lama dulu...tatau lak ada yg jenis kecik2 ni hehe..so...now i own 2 small benjarong..naim nya kira mama nya gak la kan kan ekeke...
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