Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Follow @MyMaybank and Ipad2 for free??
Hah...timeline kecoh jap..gara2 maybank now on twitter with tweethandle @Mymaybank. So ada contest for follower kat twitter..every soalan kena jawab with hashtag #iwantanipad2 . so soklan pertama dah ada org dapat..and tadi soklan ke2..beri nama website maybank kat facebook..jwb followed with the hashtag..
katanya..every 500 follower akan ada satu soalan...korang nak ipad ni..tak tido la jawabnya malam ni muahahahahahha...
apa yg lawaknya..memasing konpius hashtag ada 'an' ke tak ekekeke...sah @Mymaybank tergelak2 tgk kat timeline semua konpius.. 50 name list yg jawab betul dah kuar...aishhhh nama tadak lak..kalau ada nama dalam top 50..depa akan pilih secara random tuk dapat ipad2..
masalahnya...betul2 free atau kena bayar skit??dunno sebab malas nak godek term n condition nya..kalau rajin baca la TnC ek..hahaha..
ok la sambung lipat kain..melayan @Mymaybank ni tak abis kerja2 lipat kain aku hahahaha..
ops list nama to 50...caya laaaaaa
Thursday, June 16, 2011
#TwtUpKaseh on Media.. #ohsem
wow...there's full page coverage on #TwtUpKaseh..tat was #ohsem k..baru je tulis entry abt this #TwtUpKaseh and today as mentioned in twitter there's an article in metro..gegas2 i beli metro nak baca hak hak..guna duit ayah gittew sebab masa p bekpes ngan ayah i dinch bwk my purse ohkay ekekeke.. ** thanks love u la as always..**
so to Ms Aida sue and the gang..kudos...u ppl did a great job..** big applause to uols..**
and esok jgn lupa tau kwn2..esok 17June 9pm at Rasta TTDI ..the organiser will be there collecting anything u would like to give to anak2 yatim...[ refers to my previous entry pls..]
CYA there frens...!!
so to Ms Aida sue and the gang..kudos...u ppl did a great job..** big applause to uols..**
and esok jgn lupa tau kwn2..esok 17June 9pm at Rasta TTDI ..the organiser will be there collecting anything u would like to give to anak2 yatim...[ refers to my previous entry pls..]
CYA there frens...!!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Membantu dan Beramal.. #TwtUpKaseh

#TwtUpKaseh??apa ni ek...this is program kebajikan pertama from my twitter frens..di usahakan oleh ms @aidasue and the gang...[ congrates uols ]
this is Tweetup Sambil Beramal untuk Anak2 Yatim...means perjumpaan tuk membantu anak2 yatim where u can menderma and bersedekah apa saja such as clothes/books/stationeries and with all these we hope dapat menggembirakan dan membantu anak2 yatim..this project is under my twitter frens..where u can search on twitter under hashtag #TwtUpKaseh to know more abt this...
Meanwhile..ppl may ask me where this #TwtUpKaseh will be held..firstly the venue is as at Rasta TTDI 17June 9pm..the organiser will be there collecting anything u would like to give to anak2 yatim [ make sure benda2 yang nak bagi tu masih elok as konsep derma ada lah menderma sesuatu yg masih boleh di gunapakai secara ikhlas ]
and second #TwtUpKaseh ..the organiser will hand over sumbangan2 yang di terima on 17june 2011 to Rumah Amal Kasih Bestari on 2nd july 2011...and for more info on #TwtUpKaseh u may click here
jum kwn2...jum reramai menderma and beramal dengan ikhlas..hanya tuhan saja yg dapat membalas keikhlasan kita semua insya allah..[ c ya there at Rasta TTDI on 17june 2011 ]
sesungguhnya..tangan yang di atas itu lebih baik dr tangan yg di bawah..:)
Monday, June 6, 2011
Quotes from Twitter - 2
Sunday, June 5, 2011
M&m Vote & Win-Routing for Red
halloooooo...jum nak try this contest..senang je..korang vote je character mana yg korang suka and then isi particular korang such as name, add, email add and korang nya HP no then click submit..then there will be a price..below is the term and condition on the contest..[ amik skit2 je la..banyak2 kang pjg lebar lak entry ni hehe ]
- Each Individual can only win one bi-weekly prize from 1 June – 15 June , 16 June – 30 June and 1 July – 15 July
- hadiah tuk above ialah 75 x M&M'S® Dispenser atau 75 x set of 5 M&M’S® Key-rings
- then ada lak 3 grand prize winners di pilih at the end of the promotion period
- those yg menang bi weekly prizez pon layak menang the 3 grand prize
- hadiah the 3 grand prize ni best la skit hehe which is :
3 x UD$1,000 worth of M&M’S® World e-shopping voucher. (Winner to choose items from M&M’S® World website. MARS to purchase and ship in the items selected on behalf of the winner.)
Kira ok la kan..just for fun click and vote..ngisi masa lapang yang skrg agak lapang hahahaha...[ ayat nak sedap n happy kan diri sendiri actually..:) ]
so jum click n vote the above character simple as ABC ..
Friday, June 3, 2011
Chilli's Fajita Nachos
Thursday, June 2, 2011
It's 31st May and it's YUMMY !!'s 31st may..means it's 31% discount on any purchase of Baskin Robbins ice craving for ice creme that lepas zohor..shout kat twitter mana outlet paling dekat ngan few frens replied kat AU2..terus ajak ayah p sana and bwk naim semata nak beli ice creams..[ am stress and i need sweet things to ease the pain :) ]..

and betapa sibuknya adik2 BR number is 91..once they called my number terus depa tanya nak flavour apa..err me amik choc chips for naim..butter pecan and caramel..arghhhhh so yummy..yummy sgt2 n sedappppp..heavennnn huhuhu...i guess sweet thgs can make us feel relieved kan..:)

sempat gak la naim bergambar ngan mr bola2 tu..and ni semua kat Zon AF Jusco AU2..:p
and this week mmg kat rumah anak sedara nak week insya allah back SD and bz with naim's school again...aishhhhhh :p
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Quotes from Twitter - 1
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