#TwtUpKaseh??apa ni ek...this is program kebajikan pertama from my twitter frens..di usahakan oleh ms @aidasue and the gang...[ congrates uols ]
this is Tweetup Sambil Beramal untuk Anak2 Yatim...means perjumpaan tuk membantu anak2 yatim where u can menderma and bersedekah apa saja such as clothes/books/stationeries and with all these we hope dapat menggembirakan dan membantu anak2 yatim..this project is under my twitter frens..where u can search on twitter under hashtag #TwtUpKaseh to know more abt this...
Meanwhile..ppl may ask me where this #TwtUpKaseh will be held..firstly the venue is as at Rasta TTDI 17June 9pm..the organiser will be there collecting anything u would like to give to anak2 yatim [ make sure benda2 yang nak bagi tu masih elok as konsep derma ada lah menderma sesuatu yg masih boleh di gunapakai secara ikhlas ]
and second #TwtUpKaseh ..the organiser will hand over sumbangan2 yang di terima on 17june 2011 to Rumah Amal Kasih Bestari on 2nd july 2011...and for more info on #TwtUpKaseh u may click here
jum kwn2...jum reramai menderma and beramal dengan ikhlas..hanya tuhan saja yg dapat membalas keikhlasan kita semua insya allah..[ c ya there at Rasta TTDI on 17june 2011 ]
sesungguhnya..tangan yang di atas itu lebih baik dr tangan yg di bawah..:)
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