Monday, April 20, 2009

Accountants-The Skills and Personal Qualities..

Hah..mari kita membaca sesuatu yang berilmiah tuk hari ni..Isnin 20 April..hari pertama tuk minggu ni huhuhu...walaupon korang tgh Monday Blues nya mood huhu.. penah belajar abt topik atas ni dulu..and tiba2 ari ni bila tgk satu article abt good accountants in my mail box....teringat zaman2 degree dulu..esp masa amik subject Business Ethics..a subject yg menguji sejauh mana kita nya personal skill and traits in the company as an accountant, subjek yang mengajar kita cemana nak jadi seorg pekerja yg jujur and tidak berat sebelah dalam sesebuah kampeni..

so...meh baca kat bawah dah ringkaskan article ni....and according to that article "it is quite difficult to decide or judge who is a good accountant". kenapa ek...and sebab2 nya adalah seperti kat dah ringkas kan dr article asal an the article says :
  • A good accountant terdiri dr accountant who gives a real, objective picture of a company or the accountant who can evaluate assets with the most profitable value and calculate high costs so that his employer spent then less money on taxes
  • The best accountant is an honest accountant as well and so the first personal quality the good accountant should have is honesty.
  • The article also mention that nowadays it's much more important for an accountant to work with a computer and understand the bookkeeping software, because today every company uses accounting software for keeping records.
  • The article also mention that it is necessary in bookkeeping to be orderly, because the accountant have to file away all the accounting documents and he/she has to use them as an evidence.
  • Another quality of an accountant is patience-spending long hours with calculating different financial statements and recount everything and search for mistakes and neglected fact-checking and checking until everything is in good order as per accounting policies.
  • Accountant should also be diplomatic and in reports for shareholders and owners of the company, he/she should be able to stress the successes and favourable data of the last period and this is not out of keeping with the giving objective picture of a company.
so ni antara skills and personal qualities yang perlu ada dalam diri seorg good accountant tapi depends kepada company atau bos..mana yang dia ske..sebab lain2 kampeni lain caranya..n lain2 bos pon lain caranya...kan kan..and setujukan anda ngan pandangan saya ni?? [ hahaha...tingat zaman2 degree dulu...dapat artikel je..kena buat ringkasan and present....]

**sob...sob..i always wanna be an accountant...but...**


Yatie SawaNiLa said...

dulu masa baru habis SPM, apply nak amik accountant...tapi last last sangkut kat Statistik... terlepas mulut buaya masuk lubuk naga...
statistik lagi poning.

patut jadi doktor nih

Azie.Fauzi said...

yatie..i mmg dr dulu nak jd accountant..hehe..dah ada degree cuma lom ada rezeki kot nak sandang jawatan tu..hehe