My loverboy....Muhammad Imran Naim will be 12years old on 24th Dec next mth..and hari ni bersunat akhirnya..after few years tangguh n tangguh atas alasan dia kcik sgt..**doktor ni kesian nak sunat kan dia dulu2 sebab dia kcik..**..tapi hari ni sunat gak..and seharian ni mmg buat mama dia panic..jap sengih jap nangis meraung2 sakit..jap this entry is all abt naim..sesapa rasa nak muntah tak yah baca coz my blog n i guess its up to me nak write apa long tak memaki hamun sesapa kan..**tak maki2 org pon kat blog..cuma meluahkan apa yg terbuku at times...salah ke??tak kan...**

err..teringat 12years ago when i gave birth to Naim..erm..teruk gak la and azab but lepas tu lega sebab i have him even till now..tgk la naim kcik2 dulu..suka sgt n for me naim comel sgt even till now..with his smile...naim wit me..wit mak..wit pakcik fitri dia..wit his great grandfather and wit his tok masa cukur jambul..

atas ni lak..naim masa aged 1 year..hensem boy..hehe..baju kolar fav tok ayah tuh..and tok ayah mmg envy sgt bila cucu2 lelaki dia pakai baju tshirt berkolar...and another pics tu masa 2yrs..first birthday celebration kat rumah nenek selayang dia..his first baju melayu tuh..

atas ni naim aged 3yrs..4 yrs and 6yrs..kindergaten time kat st ronan..

and ni lak few bday parties masa naim kecik..lepas he stayed wit me n mak n ayah dah tadak bday party..just bwk dia makan..and next mth maybe nak buat suprised celeb tuk dia...among family members je pon hehehe as he's looking forward tuk bday dia..ingat nak order cuppies je kot..huhu

atas ni lak..few holidays masa we r still 1 happy family dulu..holidays to Jakarta..Phuket..Cameron Highland..Pulau Pangkor and Langkawi..we r just so happy and he's so happy too..those were the holidays that he will always remember till the end i guess...

and..those are the smiles from naim..he can smile just like nothing happened to him and try to ignore wat ever probs mama dia ada..actually he do understand n knows wat happened to me..ngan sapa mama kwn..sapa buat tak baik kat mama..sapa buang mama..semua dia tau cos he do listens when am telling it to my close frens..and dia penah tanya y it happened..but as usual i dont have the answer but he do knows why i guess...pls be wit me yer naim..always ok coz ppl might leave me but i know u wont kan..**loves u Naim..**

Naim grows n grows..and after those holidays lama tak p kemana since am not in the good financial terms tapi this year me n naim n a fren Lily p holiday to Spore..nak bwk Naim p Universal Studio Spore as tu yg paling dekat n reasonable chgs so far..he's so happy and am proud sebab boleh bwk dia p sana ngan my own money..tapi dia dpt gak duit poket dulu dr ayah dia..**dulu jer hehe..** happy when naim happy..

yes..naim wit mama always kan..and i know naim will never leaves mama like others..mama syg naim taw..and i love those pics above..its me n naim..the best moments and antara pics terbaik for us...

and jeng jeng...akhirnya sampai masa naim tuk bersunat..kotak tu tok ayah buat haha..sebab tadak paku kat siling nak ikat kain pelikat just buat the kotak n kaver wit kain cadar hehe...masa kat klinik naim cuma meraung masa nak kena injection je haha..pastu dia leh nyanyi i believe i can fly..gelak2 ngan doktor..and ckp2 ngan my dad..mama tgk dr jauh je sebab ngeri n cuak..and nak muntah lak bila tgk hahaha...teruk kan but still i panggil2 nama dia so that dia tak takut huhu..
bila kat umah lak..abis je ubat bius menangis2 dia..cuak n panik gak arr..sebab never seen dia nangis sebab sakit..jap2 air mata ngalir duhh..sampai la dia tertido ptg tadi..and now bila malam dia nyanyi2 nak ilangkan sakit huhu..bising dr tadi dok nyanyi ekekee..jap lagi zzzz la tu sebab dah bg ubat tadi..and sempat nyaanyi happy birthday tuk mama dia..pre celeb kata nya keh keh..
So naim..u a young man pls behave ok..and pls jaga mama yer sampai bebila..mama ada naim je and sampai bebila akan ada naim je...and pls remember selama nya u always be my lil boy matter wat u r..u will always be the only lil boy i have in me..and mama loves naim so much..
**thanks for the happy birthday wish ok naim..i love u always..and yes..Happy Birthday To Me..hope for the miracles as always**
1 comment:
eh beday akak bila? eh cool la naim
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