if only mama leh baca wats in yr mind...if only mama leh go inside u...if only mama leh make u happy..if only mama leh be wit u always..if only...if only...
he...sleeping...its the time for his mind resting without thinking abt wat happen in life...
pity him..
love u...naim..

things happen for a reason beb...look fwd...never look back...
me pun sometimes mcm sis la..nengok azim waktu dia tido..pastu sesorg duk pk, apala yg dia duk pk bla blabla..
apa2 hal pun be strong sis! naim needs u..
Ya..pity of him...please don't always simply2 scold him....ask him first why he do that,teach him & tell him what to do & what not to do in the polite way....
Everybody love him....so do I....
thanks to milia..n mrs taj...life has to go on..walau cemana pon..
and anon..thanks for the love...thanks a zillion...
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