Ini ayah saya....nama dia Fauzi Mustapha..and it was his birthday on 201009...and we celebrate it sabtu malam baru ni..mak belanja ayah and kami adik beradik..serta cucu2nya kat Cozy Corner Ampang Park..
[gila skema ayat kan ekekkeke....]
to ayah..selamat hari jadi..ziza loves ayah no matter what happen and thanks so much for the support...i can see the support that just came from you..and i appreciate it so very much..semoga ayah tabah dalam menjalani hari2 ayah sekarang and semoga ayah sihat selalu...my prayers will always goes to u ayah...always...selamanya...
and to mak..thanks for the dinner..thanks so much...
and the hadiah...err err am yet to get one...soon..walau ayah tak pernah mintak apa2..but as always..i will get him something like those days..
naim nak gak beli tu..nak bg mouse kat tokyah dia sebab dia kata mouse komputer tokyah dah tak best ekekeke...so nanti will get somethg for ayah ngan naim...
once again...happy birthday ayah..ziza loves you!!
p/s : entry genting di tangguhkan dulu haha...pic lom compile..adehhhhhhh....
happy belated pakcik..
semoga panjang umur.. murah rezeki sentiasa...
ur dad birthdate sama ngan I.... 20-10 gaks tapi tahun la ..:)
happy birthday to ayah kak myra...
ayu...mrs taj..
thanks for the wish...i love him..so much...
yatie..happy birthday to u too ok...i mean happy belated bday..
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