Siang tadi..berjalan2 ngan Naim..layan movie
Hannah Montana...dabes cita we all terus ke Marche to have our lunch
[ the entry on Marche nanti2 la..lom ada mood nak group kan the pics..hehe]..and lepas makan tu..masa tu nak abis kan drinks..n lepak2 kejap..we all amik gambar..dah kita org berdua je..so snap sendiri je la pic we all..tu yg memula mama tak senyum..seken baru senyum kan Naim..hehe..and pic Naim lak..mula2 senyum ntah apa2..pastu ok skit..pastu menyandar lak hehe..and ada satu tu dia tgh makan mashed potatoes..his fav tu..sedap jugak sebab ada mushroom dalam sauce tuh..

Dabes makan..on the way ke kereta..teringat i have a present for a fren..lom wrap lagi..so dok tgh pk nak wrap cemana..knowing me yang tangan keras sekali..no seni at all bila nak wrap present..so nampak je 1 wrapping paper yang lembut ni..terus me grab a few pieces..and balik umah..tadi..terus wrap the present ngan cara ni..ok gak kan hehe..ujung2 dia just ikat ngan wire halus kaler merah..tak yah selotep2 bagai ekekeke...and harap my fren ni suka la..
and actually i still owe a birthday present for another frens..the birthday dah lepas but still i'll give them the present..sebab selalunya bagi..and masa their birthday ari tu..the financial is not so good..and now ok skit..and will survey wat to buy...and send to them soon..hiks..
Aww (: (: Must've been nice bonding with your son. And you're not the only one - I'm completely hopeless at wrapping gifts too! LOL.
hi...yes nice bonding..bila geram pon nice bonding jugak..sebab nakal sgt kdg2 ekkee....err..rasanya tu the best wrapping i buat hahaha..
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