To my dear fren...[ you know who you are..]
Am so sorry..abt wat had happened..
i never mean it..never and never..
watever happened...u r still the best fren of mine..
who helped me during my bad times..sad times..worst time..
thank so much dear fren...
and once again..am sorry..really sorry!!
Am so sorry..abt wat had happened..
i never mean it..never and never..
watever happened...u r still the best fren of mine..
who helped me during my bad times..sad times..worst time..
thank so much dear fren...
and once again..am sorry..really sorry!!
insyaAllah.. nnt dia maafkan akak ek? happy happy k?
take care kak..
thanks ayu..hopefully coz...i just tanak losing a fren mcm dia...dia yang help me masa susah..masa sedih..masa senang..semuanya...
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